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How to Create Relevant Content That Ranks

Google aims to rank the most relevant results for searchers. So if your content isn’t relevant, it won’t rank. But relevance isn’t just about including your keyword a bunch of times. In fact, it isn’t about that at all. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create relevant content that Google wants to rank. How does Google determine the relevance of content? It does this in a variety of ways. 1. Does your page mention the search query? According to Google, the most basic relevance signal is whether your content contains the same keywords as the search query.

Does it mention related

Relevance goes beyond simple keyword matching. Google also checks to see if the page contains other relevant keywords. For example, if a page is about Apple, then executive email list the page will also, inevitably, include relevant things like iPhone, iPad, App Store, iOS, MacBook, and so on. We’ve established earlier that a key aspect of relevance is whether searchers find the search results useful. That means Google is constantly figuring out why searchers are looking for that query, i.e., search intent. Google then serves results it thinks fulfills that intent. This means if you want to rank high on Google, you need to find out what the search intent for your target keyword is.

How to Create since Google

Works to show the most relevant results, we can actually look at the top-ranking pages to figure out the three Cs of search intent: Content type – Is there a dominant Phone Number TH type of content on the SERP, such as blog posts, product pages, videos, or landing pages? Content format – Is there a dominant content format on the SERP, such as guides, listicles, news articles, opinion pieces, or reviews? Content angle – Is there a dominant angle on the SERP, such as freshly updated content or content aimed at beginners? For example, let’s say we want to rank for “best frying pans.” Let’s analyze the three Cs for this keyword.

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