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With friends and not At only

because of the general opinion “IT is cool!” So, how do you get an idea of what the field of study is like? Open yourself to explore One of them, learn programming from an early age! You will know and be able to validate whether you are suitable for studying and working in the IT field or not. For Marla, learning programming since middle school is not excessive. Mainly, it’s because his attitude is future-oriented. After studying in the Dicoding class, this girl who loves ravelling , now feels in love with the world of AR / VR. In his head he already had a picture of his college choice – between information technology or tourism. More specifically, Marla admitted that she wanted to learn both things – tourism and AR / VR – so that she could create future travel experiences that were much easier, cheaper and more practical. What’s that? In his imagination, travelers in the future will be able to travel to tourist attractions without

Even having to buy a travel ticket

 Instead, with AR / VR technology, tourists can enjoy immersive travel packages as if they were real, even though they are completely in the virtual world. Reap Results Early “First come, first serve.” This doctrine perfectly describes the tangible benefits you can get if you learn early. Real Work: Initially Marla wanted to learn programming because she could turn what she had in mind ws database into a real work. He studied in the Front-end Web Developer learning path class until he passed the intermediate level class. From this experience, he produced web work for cooperatives and an edu fair program for his school. Not only that, there is also an AR work he made that won the following Dicoding Challenge. “I’m proud to be able to show my filters to friends. “They finally tried it,” said Marla. Prize Bonus: Another benefit is a Redmi Note 9 cellphone and a coding jacket resulting from his hard work studying.

Where is that from So after completing

Classes in Dicoding, he dared to take part in the Challenge. As a result, it turns out that Marla won 2 times! He also earned points and exchanged them for prizes . Not only that, Marla also received a Dicoding subscription package for 6 months from her role as a Facilitator. There he helped students study DevOps class material in Dicoding until they finally graduated with certification. Want to reap all the prizes? Make sure not to waste Phone Number TH your time studying Building Discipline and Never Giving Up Learn programming from an early age, build self-discipline. By practicing coding 2 hours a day like Marla, we not only have skills, but also good character. This disciplined attitude is also what makes Marla more prepared when taking part in the competition.

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