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This particularly applies to email list subscriptions

For example . They may not want to create an account . Enter a password . Confirm their email address . And only then get to order… Especially if they don’t anticipate ordering from you again. Goal: make the checkout process as simple and frictionless as possible. You could allow customers to sign up using their current google or facebook account . For example . Or you could implement a “guest” checkout for customers who prefer not to sign up.  don’t ask for unnecessary information are you asking for information you don’t ne ? This particularly applies to email list subscriptions . Although they are also relevant to customers who buy from you. With email signups . Ideally ask for a name and email address at most .

ome people may have privacy concerns

Just ask for an email address). Don’t ask for Email List a last name or phone number if you’ll never use it. In addition to taking up your prospect’s time . Some people may have privacy concerns about entering these just to sign up for an email list. #3: try different calls to action try different calls to action will there be more people buy your planner online if your button text asks them to “buy now” or “download now”?

Even small changes like this can make

email list

There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer here – although there are many marketers would speak out in favor of “download now.” test different Phone Number TH calls to action on your sales page – and see which one results in the most sales. Even small changes like this can make a difference. You could also try changing the color of your buttons: maybe the neutral blue doesn’t “pop” enough . But the orange would catch your prospects’ eyes and encourage them to click. #4: include testimonials or reviews a great way to increase trust (and therefore sales) is to include testimonials or reviews from satisfi  customers.

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