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Therefore the total upfront costs

 He has passed twenty (20) Dicoding classes. He has won two (2) challenges. And recently Marla was trusted to be one of the youngest Facilitators at Dicoding. This member of Dicoding since 2019 has proven it. We can really learn to code from an early age. There are no limits, as long as you are serious about your determination and try. Learning to be Marla, of course you are curious. What are the reasons and benefits of learning programming from an early age? Listen to the story below. Learning Programming because of Future Orientation For Marla, future orientation is very important. Do you dream of achieving success in college and work? Explore your interests and talents. One of them is through learning programming. Marla is a class X student from SMA Santa Yoseph Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung. His demeanor was always enthusiastic, as if he was never “low-battery.

With sharp eyes he spoke straight

Since high school we have to start thinking about what steps we want to take in the future” Lucky to have an older brother who is a developer, Marla has been acquainted with the world of IT since she was 14 years old. Bored with writing blogs and poetry, her older sister introduced Marla to programming when she was still in junior high school. This experience made a big impression on her heart and convinced Marla to like the world of technology. When her friends hang out at the cafe at the weekend, Marla prefers to open her laptop, engrossed ws data in learning material on Dicoding. At first her parents scolded her because they thought Marla was just enjoying playing games . But slowly, observing Marla who was really studying, her father and mother came to understand. S screentime ee means practicing coding. Of the twenty classes he passed well, one (1) of his favorites was the Learning to Create Augmented Reality class with Lens Studio . From that class he also became passionate about creating his own Augmented Reality works.

Armed with her homemade filter

Marla became 1 of 100 winners of the recent IDCamp Developer Challenge – Snapchat AR Creator Ramadan Series in the Dicoding Challenge. Reaping the Benefits of Learning Programming Reflecting on Marla’s story, what are the benefits of learning programming from an early age? The answer is here: Steady on deciding which field to pursue after school Want to go to college or work Phone Number TH after school? Make sure you don’t take the wrong major. In fact, in the world of college, as many as 87% of students admit that they chose the wrong major, according to the findings of a study by the Indonesia Career Center Network in 2017. In short, there is no connection between interest, talent and the major they take. As a result, you lose money, time and opportunity, right? Of course! For this reason, if you choose an IT major, make sure it is because you at least already know and like what you are going to study.

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