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The development of information

To make it easier for humans to carry out their activities. technology is something that cannot be avoided and has become a basic human need in this century to make life even easier. Technological developments require humans to be more digitally literate, especially digital application developers. In the technology sector in particular, digital application developers are getting a new work climate that is modern and inclusive while opening new doors for people with disabilities. For this reason, Home Credit Indonesia together with Dicoding Indonesia provide opportunities for people with disabilities to have new knowledge or knowledge in the field of technology. We provide training opportunities in the field of Android mobile-based digital application development so that people with disabilities can get new skills or jobs that suit current industry needs.

The following is a list of scholarship

 Today, May 3 2021, we announced selected participants who will get access to learning on the Android Developer Learning Path in Dicoding.  recipients: Abdul Haris As’Ari from Pemalang Abdul Haris Suailo from Ambon Abdul Hasyim from DKI Jakarta Achmad Maskuri Isnawan from Bogor City Achmad Syiddiq Hidayat from East Lombok Adam Kharis Pratama from West Bandung whatsapp number list Ady Cahyana from Cirebon City Agus Bbudianto from Madiun Ahmad Taufiq from Kab. Semarang Aldi Samudra Milano from Bandung Andi from DKI Jakarta Andi Saputra from Blitar Andika from DKI Jakarta Andika Firnanda from DKI Jakarta Andika Surya Nugroho from Semarang Andre Satriawan from East Lombok Andri Sanjaya Priyanto from Bogor Andy Haryanto Sipayung from Deli Serdang Andy Olan Sitorus from East Luwu Regency Anggi Pramana from Kendal Arifin from Makassar Aris Mulyadi from Kebumen Regency Arita Br Sitepu from Deli Serdang Arvan Setiawan.

Lintang Rizki Ardetya from Sleman

From Solok Ase Muhamad Ramdani from Ciamis Aulia Bening Safira from Bekasi Aurel Awan Aditya from South Tangerang Azka Fauzan Siddiq from Sumedang Bahrinsyah from Simpang Tiga Redelong Banyu Nugraha from Sukabumi City Birendra Syaifullah Wicaksono from Serang Banten Callan Rahmadyvi Phone Number TH Triyunanto from DKI Jakarta Charisma Yani Greetings Hasibuan from Medan Charlion from Medan Deni Hardiyani from Bogor Regency Dian Syawal from Bandung Dimas Prasetyo Muharam from Tangerang Dominikus Savio Gatot D from Depok Dwi Sulistyono from Malang Dwi Yani from Magelang Regency Edi Susanto from Magelang Edi Suwanto from Bandung Eka Pudji Astuti from Padang Endangsupriatin from Cimahi City Enrico Ruben Simon from Surabaya Fachrian Akbar from Medan Fadilah Miftah from Bogor Regency

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