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Specialists on board who form

Specialists on board the case of thermal modernization of public buildings. The scope of work includes investments in improving their energy efficiency, such as insulation. Reconstruction of heating and cooling systems or replacement of lighting. Enterprises, on the other hand, can carry out thermal modernization in production or service processes relate to production lines. Company buildings, the use of energy-efficient technologies or renewable energy installations. Generally speaking, the concept of thermal modernization is relate to improving energy efficiency and may apply to buildings. Production or service processes.

Functional team ready

The goals that the thermal modernization process focuses on include reducing energy losses and thus achieving savings and reducing emissions of harmful substances into the environment. How to save energy? The key is to conduct an energy audit, which will indicate recommendations relate to possible energy savings. Co-financing the thermal Photo Retouching modernization process In the new financial perspective, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to finance thermal modernization. Carrying out a comprehensive thermal modernization of a building is quite expensive. By conducting an energy audit, the costs of thermal modernization can be optimize. It will then be clearly indicate what should be replace, modernize or install.

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What production or service process requires it, or what technology can be introduce. The cost of thermal modernization will, of course, vary depending on the condition of the building, its size, the select building materials, the select processes, the Phone Number TH use of energy recovery technologies or renewable energy installations. What can you get funding for if you are an entrepreneur? reconstruction of production lines to be more energy efficient, comprehensive energy modernization of the company’s buildings, the use of energy-efficient technologies and energy recovery technologies, construction or reconstruction of local heat sources including installations of renewable energy source.

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