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Before answering what Node Package Manager (NPM) is , we need to know first what a package is. In application development, we cannot be separated. Ffrom packages or libraries . Package here is a code created to solve a problem. Feature creation time is shorter! The more complex an application, the more packages it uses. This is where we need a package manager . A package manager is a tool that can help make managing packages on a project easier. We can easily install and remove packages created by other people on our project. Apart from that, we can also write modules/packages for public consumption.
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from SlashData will be contacted directly via email by . The SlashData team for 25 people Winners are free to choose . What classes they want access to or select books. 25 people . Will be selected based Phone Number TH on the high level of interaction on social media. Comment on this survey program post on Dicoding’s Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, and tag as many friends as possible to get a bigger chance to win. Java has Maven and Gradle, PHP has Composer, and Python has pip. Then what about JavaScript? Of course JavaScript has it too! Apart from NPM there is also Yarn Package Manager. Both, yarn or npm, are package managers that can help us in developing web or node applications. However, in the discussion of this article, we will focus on NPM. This is because NPM is the standard package manager provided by Node.js.